Are you thinking about building a backyard pond in your garden this spring? To ensure your backyard pond in Holiday, FL, is a beautiful centerpiece and a place where you can relax, you must avoid these common, costly mistakes many homeowners make when building theirs:

Not Considering the Location

Building your pond in a barren part of your backyard might seem like a good idea. But if you don’t visit that area of your garden regularly, you aquatic plants and fish won’t thrive as much. You also shouldn’t build your backyard pond in a low spot where it might experience runoff drainage. Your pond requires plenty of sun and shade, and to avoid picking debris out of it often and prevent decaying leaves from impacting the water, don’t build it directly under trees.

Not Considering the Size

This takes a bit of thinking about the big picture. You want to build a backyard pond without worrying about and paying to adjust the landscaping around it later because it’s too big. But you also don’t want it to be too small. Your garden’s size and the type of fish you want to have in your pond will determine its size. We have pond kits in all sizes.

Not Considering the Depth

Backyard ponds should be at least 4 feet deep in areas that experience freezing temperatures. Fortunately, homeowners in and around Dunedin, FL, don’t have to worry about that. When building your pond, avoid using a bowl shape and build it with ledges. Ledges are easier to line with rocks and provide good footing for aquatic plants.

Not Considering the Surrounding Rocks

There are many ways to add character to your backyard pond. You can use all types of rocks around your pond to make it look part of the natural landscape. Large rocks can provide a biological habitat that desirable bacteria need to grow in the water. Algae can thrive in your pond if you don’t have these bacterial cultures. And if your pond has too much algae, it reduces the oxygen available for the fish and they can die.

Building a pond in your garden this spring? Contact or visit Tampa Bay Ponds & Rocks today for all the supplies you need to get started. Our experts can answer any questions you have about building a backyard pond.

Image provided by flickr

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4 Mistakes Homeowners Make When Building Their Backyard Pond
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